Highly parallelised relativistic Coupled Cluster Code
Highly parallelised relativistic Coupled Cluster Code (ExaCorr).
In this release only computations using the X2C Hamiltonian (with either .X2Cmmf or .X2C) are possible.
This code is based on the math libraries TAL-SH and ExaTENSOR by Dmitry Lyakh. The tensors are kept in working memory, sufficent RAM needs to be available. In order to test memory requirements instructions can be found in the exacorr_talsh_memory
and exacorr_exatensor_memory
TAL-SH runs on a single node which has to have enough memory (.TALSH_BUFF) to hold all tensors.
In ExaTENSOR the memory is distributed, so each additional node will contribute its memory to the memory pool accessible by the library. Currently, it is recommended to use enough nodes that the tensors fit, but not substantially more.
In the current release, if the library runs out of memory the code will not stop but enter a blocked state and calculations will not advance. So carefully control the advancement of your calculations, stopping them if they appear to hang.
If ExaCorr has been compiled with GPU support, the environment variable TALSH_GPUS can be used to control how many of the GPUs accessible to TAL-SH runs will be used (if TALSH_GPUS is not defined, all GPUs available to the process will be used). ExaTENSOR runs will require the definition of another set of environment variables (please consult the examples for runtime configurations in the source tree, and the documentation of ExaTENSOR for further details).
Mandatory keywords
Defines occupied orbitals. Specification of list or energy range (see Specification of orbital strings).
energy -1.0 0.0 0.00001
Defines virtual orbitals. Specification of list or energy range (see Specification of orbital strings).
Optional keywords
Print level.
Set convergence criteria (CC iterations, Lambda equations)
Maximum number of allowed CC iterations to solve the CC and LAMBDA equations.
This keyword activates the full multinode EXATENSOR library, which is designed for massively parallel supercomputers. The additional infrastructure needed for parallel communication makes this implementation inefficient when used for single node runs. For such purposes the use of only the TALSH library component is recommended, which is designed for one node but will make use of GPUs (if available and suitable).
Do not use EXATENSOR
Solve Lambda-equations, needs to be activated in order to compute the one particle density matrix and molecular properties.
This calculation generates the file CCDENS, which contains the CC ground-state density matrix in AO basis. In this release, CCDENS is used by the property module to calculate ground-state expectation values.
If saved, CCDENS can be used in a property calculation (see .RDCCDM) without the need to invoke this module.
Lambda equations are not solved
Forms the 2-body reduced density matrix (2RDM) for the ground-state CCSD wavefunction. When generated, the 2RDM and the 1RDM generated after solving the Lambda-equations are used to calculate the correlation energy (which can be compared to the one calculated with the CCSD method).
The 2RDM is saved to a binary file in MO basis format (CCSD2RDM) written to the scratch directory. If this file is of interest the user should take action to copy it back to the work directory. There is no functionality yet in DIRAC to transform the 2RDM to AO basis.
2-body reduced density matrix is not formed
Deactivates computation of triples energy corrections (useful for ExaTENSOR as the current implementation is not efficient)
Triples are done
Performs a CC2 calculation instead of the default CCSD. Currently supported only for energies.
CC2 is not activated
Expert option to choose another AO to MO integral transformation scheme. Change at your own risk.
In TALSH only schemes 3 (default) and 42 (using Cholesky decompostion) are available.
In ExaTensor schemes 1-4 and 42 are available with 42 using Cholesky decompostion. Scheme 4 is default for ExaTensor as it reduces the memory footprint by only keeping part of the AO integrals in memory. The other methds keep all AO integrals in memeory. Scheme 0 prints the memory requirements and attempts to allocate the memory without doing the calculation.
Can be used to specify a “high-spin” reference determinant with a different number of “barred” occupied orbitals, than “unbarred” occupied spinors. If .OCC_BETA is specified .OCCUPIED is interpreted as a list of unbarred (alpha) spinors. NB: alpha and beta are used in a loose sense in relativistic calculations to indicate the (un)barred spinors.
energy -1.0 0.0 0.00001
Can be used to specify a different number of “barred” virtual orbitals than “unbarred” occupied spinors. If .VIR_BETA is specified .VIRTUAL is interpreted as a list of unbarred (alpha) spinors. NB: alpha and beta are used in a loose sense in relativistic calculations to indicate the (un)barred spinors.
Performs a CCD calculation instead of the default CCSD (switch off the contributions of single excitations).
CCDOUBLES is not activated
Expert option: Number to tune the parallel distribution (branching) of the spinor spaces.
Maximum memory (in gigabytes) used in TALSH, aim at about 80% of available memory on your machine.
Threshold to define the accuracy of the Cholesky decomposition (MOINT scheme 42), resulting in inaccuracies of the computed energy of this order of magnitude (in Hartree units).
Expert option: Level shift of orbital energies, ignored for values smaller 0.
Perform a closed shell MP2 calculation and generate the frozen natural orbitals(FNOs) by diagonalization of the virtual-virtual block of the MP2 density matrix, outputting the original occupied orbitals and a set of truncated virtuals in AO basis (the FNOs are transformed into AO basis and saved on file MP2NOs_AO, which has the same structure as DFCOEF.)
The user must specify a threshold indicating a NO occupation number, and orbitals with occupation below that will not be retained in the truncated AO basis.
If one would like to use the new set including the FNOs to do higher-level computation like CC, the MP2NOs_AO should be retrieved from the work directory for the calculati, and used as a standard DFCOEF file in subsequent calculations (currently a run in which FNOs are generated and used in the same post-SCF calculation is not supported).
Apart from MP2NOs_AO, this option also ouputs the full, untruncated FNOs space (MO basis) in file NOs_MO. The Fock matrix (FNO basis) is also outputted to file FM_in_NatOrb.
The NOs_MO is provided so that users wishing to change the truncation thresold above don’t have to repeat the same MP2 calculation (If present in the scratch directory, the NOs_MO will make the code skip the MP2 calculation).
MP2FNO is not activated.
Calculate natural occupation numbers and orbitals in AO (quaternion) basis, from a density matrix in the same basis (such as the one generated by the first-order property code, which saved by default in file CCDENS), and store them in file DFNOSAO.
This option assumes that CCDENS is in the work directory for the calculation.
DONATORB is not activated.
Activate the equation of motion (EOMCC) module [Yuan2024b]. This option can be used to obtain excitation energies (EOM-EE), singly ionized (EOM-IP) and electron attached (EOM-EA) states starting from a closed shell reference and at the CCSD level, by solving for the right-hand eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the appropriate similarity-transformed Hamiltonian. Users should specify the number of eom runs.
EXEOM is not activated.
Calculates the orbital-unrelaxed coupled cluster linear response (LR) function [Yuan2024]
where \(A\) and \(B\) represent one-body operators, and \(\omega_{B}\) the perturbing frequency associated with \(B\). Each of these operators can correspond to electric or magnetic perturbations, though for the latter it is only possible to carry out calculations in a common gauge origin.
The current implementation can handle both static and frequency-dependent (with either real or complex frequencies) response calculations.
For linear response calculations two wave-function models can be used: the standard linear response CC model (also referred to in the following as CC-CC) and the EOM model (also referred to in the following as CC-CI); we note EOM-LR is an approximation to LR-CC.
where 1 indicates CC-CC type wave-function, and other numbers indicate CC-CI type wave-function.
Apart from this keyword, additional inputs are needed to define a linear response calculation : first users need also to define which operators will be transformed to the MO basis, by specifying the appropriate input for the .PRPTRA section of **MOLTRA. Second, the .LAMBDA keyword has to be used, to activate the calculation of ground-state Lagrange multipliers.
Calculates the orbital-unrelaxed coupled cluster quadratic response (QR) function [Yuan2023]
As in the case of linear response, the code can currently be used in static and frequency-dependent (with either real or complex frequencies) response calculations.
1 indicates CC-CC type wave-function, and other numbers indicate CC-CI (EOM) type wave-function. Note: CC-CC quadratic response is not supported in the current release.
The same requirements with respect to transforming operators to MO basis and calculating ground-state Lagrange multipliers as for linear response apply here.
Specify \(\omega_B\) (in atomic unit) in the coupled cluster linear response calculation
The first line contains the number of frequencies to be used. The second line indicates the real part of each frequency. The third line indicates the imaginary part of each frequency.
Specify \(\omega_{B}\) (in atomic unit) in the coupled cluster quadratic response calculation
The setup for \(\omega_{B}\) is the same as LRFRE above.
Specify \(\omega_{C}\) (in atomic unit) in the coupled cluster quadratic response calculation
The setup for \(\omega_{C}\) is the same as LRFRE above.
Specify the \(A\) operator(s) in linear and quadratic response function calculations. This keyword must always be specified in response calculations.
The first line contains the number of operators that will be considered as \(A\), and the second line specifies a list of numerical operator indexes corresponding to the order in which these appear in the .PRPTRA section of **MOLTRA.
Specify the \(B\) operator(s) in linear and quadratic response function calculations. This keyword must always be specified in response calculations.
The input follows the same structure as that of .AProp above.
We note that in the case of linear response, the code will calculate response functions for all possible combinations of \(A\), \(B\) operators.
Specify the C operator in quadratic response functions.
The input follows the same structure as that of .AProp above.
We note that the the code will calculate response functions for all possible combinations of \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\) operators.
Specify the D operator in two-photon absorption cross-section calculations based on quadratic response, see .CCTPA below for details:
The input follows the same structure as that of .AProp above.
Indicate the number of time-antisymmetric operators in the response function. From this information, the code will determine if the response function is real or imaginary (see for instance [Saue2002a] pages 390-393).
NTA is 0
This determination is of importance for instance in the case of response functions containing an odd number of time-antisymmetric operators (e.g. optical rotation in the case of linear response, of Verdet constants in the case of quadratic response).
In future releases this determination will be done automatically and this feature will be deprecated.
The fragment of input below demonstrates the definition of the components of the dynamic (\(\omega_B = (0.1, 0.0)\)) dipole-dipole polarizability. Note the definition of the transformation to MO of the \(x,y,z\) components of the dipole operator via the .PRPTRA section of **MOLTRA (we have respectively indexes 1, 2 and 3 when defining the \(A, B\) operators), and the request for \(\Lambda\)-equation calculations for the ground state.
Note that it is very important to define the same range of active orbitals in **MOLTRA and in **EXACC, though in the former the range is continous and in the latter it is subdivided into occupied and virtual.
Note: When EOM or response modules are activated, a *CCDIAG section should also be defined under **EXACC. This menu allows one to control the parameters of the iterativel solver in EOM or response calculations (see [Yuan2024] and [Yuan2024b] for a discussion of implementation details). The options available can be found under the *CCDIAG section from **RELCC.
Evaluate the coupled-cluster two-photon scattering amplitudes \(S_{AB,CD}\), obtained from quadratic response and EOM-EE left and right eigenvectors:
where the fist line indicates the type of wavefunction (here CC-CI; for CC-CC, which is currently not supported, the number would be equal to one), and the second line specifies the number of the \(\langle f |\) obtained from an EOM-EE calculation.
The \(\omega, \omega^\prime\) frequencies do not need to be specified since for this keyword they are both taken to be equal to half of the excitation energy of the target state \(\langle f |\):
requesting CC-CI (EOM) two-photon scattering amplitudes between the reference state (ground state) and the target state (EOM-EE excited state number 4 out of 5 requested):
The \(\omega, \omega^\prime\) frequencies do not need to be specified since for this keyword they are both taken to be equal to half of the excitation energy of the target state \(\langle f |\):
This code is experimental. At the moment, we only can do calculations for the target state, which is non-degenerate, and r. Only CC-CI (EOM) version works, CC-CC is in development.
If the EOM calculation is activated, This menu controls the parameters for excited state calculations with the equation of motion coupled cluster (EOM-CC) theory.
For EOM-CC, currently the implementation supports the excitation energy (EE), single electron attachment (EA) and detachment (IP) models for CCSD wavefunctions only. Furthermore, in the current release is not possible to calculate oscillator strenghts.
Note that there is no default, if no options are selected no calculations will be performed.
Mandatory keywords
Specify the number of roots in the calculation.
Specify the flavor of EOM: EE (excitation energy), EA (single electron attachment energies), and IP (single electron detachment energies)