Installation on HPC cluster in Strasbourg

Configuration and compilation

In order to find the proper software needed for configuration and compilation the following line is added to .bashrc

source $HOME/modules

where the file modules read (as of June 2013):

module delete mpi/openmpi-1.4.i11
module delete compilers/intel11
module delete libs/mkl11
module load mpi/openmpi-1.6.i13
module load compilers/intel13
module load libs/mkl13

To properly set environmental variables for the Intel MKL math library we follow instructions here and add to .bashrc the following lines:


Finally we configure and build the binary:

$ ./setup --fc=mpif90 --cc=mpicc
$ cd build
$ make

Setting up pam

In your top directory you may configure the pam run script by adding a file .diracrc with contents:


Example run script

Here is a simple example of a run script:

#! /bin/bash
#SBATCH -p pri2008
#SBATCH -A qossaue
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
#SBATCH -n 24   # xx Coeurs
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
. ~/.bashrc
scontrol show hostname > machinelist
pam --inp=HF --mol=H2O --mpi=$SLURM_NPROCS --machfile=machinelist
exit 0