:orphan: DFCOEF ====== The binary *DFCOEF* file serves for storing molecular orbitals and related information. In the Fortran language it can be written like :: CHARACTER TEXT*74 DIMENSION CMO(NCMOTQ),EIG(NORBT),IBEIG(NORBT),IDIM(3,2) DOUBLE PRECISION TOTERG DO I = 1,NFSYM IDIM(1,I) = NPSH(I) IDIM(2,I) = NESH(I) IDIM(3,I) = NFBAS(I,0) ENDDO WRITE(IUNIT) TEXT,NFSYM,((IDIM(I,J),I = 1,3),J=1,NFSYM),TOTERG Let *i* be the integer size (4 or 8) and *d* the double precision size (8). Size of the stored data, *Size*, given in first section above, is *74+i*(1+3*NFSYM)+d*. :: i NFSYM Size 4 1 74+4*4+8 = 98 4 2 74+4*7+8 = 110 8 1 74+8*4+8 = 114 8 2 = 138 After calculating the *Size* we can store remaining data: - molecular orbitals coefficients, CMO - SCF eigenvalues, EIG - specification of the irreducible representation per orbital, IBEIG :: WRITE(IUNIT) CMO Size d*NCMOTQ WRITE(IUNIT) EIG Size d*NORBT WRITE(IUNIT) IBEIG Size i*NORBT