Effective QED potentials
QED effects are high-order relativistic effects that cannot be captured in the framework of the no-pair approximation. A rough explanation of the QED effects that contribute to the Lamb shift of bound-state electrons is as follows:
Vacuum polarization (VP): A charge in space is surrounded by virtual electron-positron pairs which contributes to its observed charge.
Self-energy (SE): The electron drags along its electromagnetic field which contributes to its observed mass.
Effective QED potentials are an approximate way to include QED effects in all-electron relativistic Hamiltonians. In the current implementation (see Ref. [Sunaga2022]) the following potentials are available:
Vacuum polarization
Uehling potential
The Uehling potential is the dominant contribution to the vacuum polarization. It is extracted from the term linear in nuclear charge after regularization and renormalization. For a spherically symmetric nuclear charge distribution it reads
where \(\bar{\lambda}=\hbar/mc\) is the reduced Compton length and
Electron self-energy
The electron self-energy effect is delocal and hence exchange-like. However, some effective local potentials are available in the literature. Two of them are implemented in DIRAC:
1) Flambaum and Ginges SE potential
The Flambaum-Ginges potential [Flambaum2005] is derived from the linear contribution to the self-energy process, but has been further modeled and parametrized to to account for the full self-energy process to all orders in \((Z\alpha)\). It splits into two terms, associated with electric and magnetic form factors. The electric contribution is further divided into a high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) part. The high-frequency is properly derived from the electric form factor, but comes with a cutoff parameter \(\lambda\) to eliminate infrared divergency, whereas the low-frequency is simply modeled as a hydrogen-like function. The final forms are
The functions \(K_m(x)\) and \(K_e(x)\) are as follows:
\(A\) and \(B\) are fitting functions adjusted to reproduce the self-energy corrections of hydrogen-like atoms. \(\Phi(\boldsymbol{x})\) is the nuclear electrostatic potential. The above forms are strictly only correct for a point-charge nuclei, that is, for \(\Phi(\boldsymbol{x})=\frac{Z e}{4 \pi \varepsilon_0 r_x}\). The corresponding potentials for extended nuclei are properly obtained by convolution with the nuclear charge distribution. However, the above approximation has been reported to work well in the case of the Uehling potential [Artemyev1997].
2) Pyykko and Zhao SE potential
This is a Gaussian-type model potential where the parameters are fitted to reproduce the orbital energy and M1 hyperfine splitting within the range \(29 \leq Z \leq 83\) [Pyykko2003].
\(B\) and \(\beta\) are fitting functions.
How to use
Effective QED potentials, which are one-electron operators, should be added to the one-electron Hamiltonian, as follows:
The DIRAC implementation was obtained by grafting code from the numerical atomic code GRASP [GRASP] onto the DFT of grid. See *EFFQED for tuning options. The present input gives precise control, but is admittedly somewhat cumbersome.
Example 1: DCG Hamiltonian with Uehling and FG potentials (variational treatment)
Although the \(\boldsymbol{\gamma}\) operator appears in the expression of the magnetic term above, the reader may find
that the matrix part of the magnetic term is ALPHADOT
(i.e., this one-electron operator involves the scalar product
of \(\boldsymbol{\alpha}\) and the scalar operators XSEFGMG
). This input is correct
because the \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) part in \(\boldsymbol{\gamma}=\boldsymbol{\beta\alpha}\) is already included in the code for a technical reason.
In this example, the molecular orbitals are relaxed due to the QED effects.
The contributions of effective QED potentials are included here in the total energy.
Example 2: Expectation values of Uehling and PZ potentials (perturbative treatment)
In this example, the expectation values of the effective QED potentials are obtained using the molecular orbitals calculated based on the Dirac-Coulomb-Gaunt (DCG) Hamiltonian. That is, effQED potentials are treated as perturbations, and the corresponding energies are obtained using first-order perturbation theory. In this case, the individual contributions of effQED potentials to the total energy are printed out in the property section.
Note on the application to core-properties
The PZ potential was fitted to reproduce the QED effects on the hyperfine coupling constant and orbital energies (1s and 2s orbitals), and the fitting functions for the FG potential were adjusted to reproduce the self-energy corrections to high s- and p-states of hydrogenic ions.
However, we have confirmed that these potentials cannot accurately account for QED effects on the orbital energies for core orbitals. In fact, these potential provide different QED effects on the parity-violating energy [Sunaga2021].
Therefore, these potential would not accurately provide QED effects on the core properties, such as XPS, Mössbauer, and NMR.
It has been confirmed that these SE potentials yield very similar results in the case of valence properties [Sunaga2022].