


Calculate excitation energies using time dependent Hartree-Fock or DFT.
The excitation energies are found as the lowest generalized eigenvalues
of the electronic Hessian. DIRAC supports TDDFT kernels from all ground
state functionals included in the code. Currently the iterative
eigenvalue solver may fail to converge more than about twenty roots per

Define excitations and transition moments

.. index:: .EXCITA



    SYM N

Number of excitation energies N calculated in boson symmetry no. SYM.
This keyword can be repeated if you want excitation energies in more
than one boson symmetry.

.. index:: .OPERATOR


Specification of a transition moment operator (see
:ref:`one_electron_operators` for details). This keyword can be given multiple
times to add more operators.

.. index:: .EPOLE


Specification of electric Cartesian multipole operators of order :math:`n`

.. math::

    \hat{Q}_{j_{1}\ldots j_{n}}^{\left[n\right]}=-er_{1}r_{2}\ldots r_{j_{n}}   

for the calculation of transition moments (note that they contribute to one order less in the wave vector). Specify order.

*Example:* Electric dipole operators::

.. index:: .MPOLE


Specification of magnetic Cartesian multipole operators of order :math:`n`

.. math::

   \hat{m}_{j_{1}\ldots j_{n-1};j_{n}}^{\left[n\right]}=\frac{n}{n+1}r_{j_{1}}r_{j_{2}}\ldots r_{j_{n-1}}(\boldsymbol{r}\times\hat{\mathbf{j}})_{j_{n}};\quad\hat{\mathbf{j}}=-ec\boldsymbol{\alpha}

for the calculation of transition moments (note that they contribute to the same order in the wave vector). Specify order.

*Example:* Magnetic dipole operators::


.. index:: .VPOLE


Specification of electric Cartesian multipole operators of order :math:`n` in the velocity representation

.. math::

    \hat{\mathcal{Q}}^{[n]}_{j_1\ldots j_{n-1};j_n} = \frac{ie}{\omega}r_{j_1}\ldots r_{j_{n-2}}(c\alpha_{j_n} r_{j_{n-1}} + nc\alpha_{j_{n-1}}r_{j_n})

*Example:* Velocity representation electric dipole operator::


.. index:: .ANALYZE


Analyze solution vectors and show the most important excitations at the
orbital level.

.. index:: .INTENS


Invoke calculation of oscillator strengths to order k in the wave vector.
Default order is zero, which corresponds to the widely used electric-dipole approximation. By default results are given both in the length and the velocity representation, but a selection can be made using keywords :ref:`EXCITATION_ENERGIES_.NOLENR` and :ref:`EXCITATION_ENERGIES_.NOVELR`. Only even orders contribute. For further details, see :cite:`List_JCP2020`

*Example:* ::


.. index:: .BED


Invoke calculation of oscillator strengths using the full operator coupling the molecule to an electromagnetic plane wave. The oscillator strength is then given by

.. math::

   f_{n\leftarrow 0}=\frac{2\omega}{\hbar e^{2}}\left|\langle n|T\left(\omega\right)|0\rangle\right|^2

where appears the effective interaction operator

.. math::


In the above expression :math:`\mathbf{k}` refers to the wave vector of length :math:`k=\omega/c` and direction :math:`\mathbf{m}`, whereas the polarization of the electric component is specificed by :math:`\boldsymbol{\epsilon}`.

Since experiment is typically carried out in an isotropic medium, rotational average is performed.
Rather than rotate the molecule we shall rotate the experimental apparatus.
To rotate we use the unit vectors of the spherical coordinates

.. math::

   \begin{array}{lcl} \mathbf{e}_{r} & = & \mathbf{e}_{x}\sin\theta\cos\phi+\mathbf{e}_{y}\sin\theta\sin\phi+\mathbf{e}_{z}\cos\theta\\
   \mathbf{e}_{\theta} & = & \mathbf{e}_{x}\cos\theta\cos\phi+\mathbf{e}_{y}\cos\theta\sin\phi-\mathbf{e}_{z}\sin\theta\\ \mathbf{e}_{\phi} & = & -\mathbf{e}_{x}\sin\phi+\mathbf{e}_{y}\cos\phi \end{array}   

We now choose to align the wave vector with the :math:`\mathbf{e}_r` unit vector, that is

.. math::

   \mathbf{k} = k\mathbf{e}_r

This means that the polarization vector :math:`\boldsymbol{\epsilon}` is in the plane spanned by the
unit vectors :math:`\mathbf{e}_{\theta}` and :math:`\mathbf{e}_{\phi}`. We therefore set

.. math::

   \boldsymbol{\epsilon} = \cos\chi \mathbf{e}_{\theta}+\sin\chi\mathbf{e}_{\phi}

We see the solid angle :math:`\left(\theta,\phi\right)` gives all possible
directions of the wave vector :math:`\mathbf{k}`, wheras the angle
:math:`\chi` provides all possible orientations of the polarization vector
:math:`\boldsymbol{\epsilon}` in the plane perpendicular to :math:`\mathbf{k}`. 

The general expression for the rotational average will be      

.. math::

   \left\langle f\left(\boldsymbol{r}\right)\right\rangle _{\theta,\phi,\chi}=\frac{1}{8\pi^{2}}\int_{0}^{2\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}\int_{0}^{\pi}f\left(\boldsymbol{r}\right)\sin\theta d\theta d\phi d\chi.

In our case we have   

.. math::

   \left\langle f_{n\leftarrow 0}\right\rangle _{\theta,\phi,\chi} = \frac{2\omega}{\hbar e^{2}}\left\langle \epsilon_{\alpha}\epsilon_{\beta}\langle n|\frac{ec}{\omega}\alpha_{\alpha}e^{+i\left(\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{r}\right)}|0\rangle\langle n|\frac{ec}{\omega}\alpha_{\beta}e^{+i\left(\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{r}\right)}|0\rangle^{\ast}\right\rangle _{\theta,\phi,\chi},

which simplifies to   

.. math::

   \left\langle f_{n\leftarrow 0}\right\rangle _{\theta,\phi,\chi} = \frac{2\omega}{\hbar e^{2}}\left\langle \left\langle\epsilon_{\alpha}\epsilon_{\beta}\right\rangle _{\chi}\langle n|\frac{ec}{\omega}\alpha_{\alpha}e^{+i\left(\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{r}\right)}|0\rangle\langle n|\frac{ec}{\omega}\alpha_{\beta}e^{+i\left(\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{r}\right)}|0\rangle^{\ast}\right\rangle _{\theta,\phi},

since only the polarization vectors depend on the angle :math:`\chi`. The average over the angle :math:`\chi` can be expressed compactly in terms of the wave unit vector :math:`\mathbf{m}` (:math:`\mathbf{k}=k\mathbf{m}`)

.. math::

  \left\langle\epsilon_{\alpha}\epsilon_{\beta}\right\rangle _{\chi}=\frac{1}{2}\left(\delta_{\alpha\beta}-m_{\alpha}m_{\beta}\right),

whereas the average over angles :math:`\theta` and :math:`\phi` is handled by `Lebedev quadrature <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebedev_quadrature>`_ .

A full account is given in :cite:`List_JCP2020`

.. index:: .BEDECD


Invoke calculation of the differential oscillator strengths using the full interaction operator. This quantity is calculated as the difference between the oscillator strengths corresponding to left- and right-handed circularly polarized light. The differential oscillator strenght is given by

.. math::

    \Delta f= f_{\text{L}}-f_{\text{R}}=-i\frac{2m_e\omega}{\hbar e^2}\mathbf{e}_{k}\cdot\left(\mathbf{T}\times\mathbf{T}^{\ast}\right),

where the transition moments are written in vector form, :math:`\mathbf{T}=\langle f|\frac{e}{\omega} c\boldsymbol{\alpha}e^{i\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}}|i\rangle`, which allows the compact cross-product form in previous equation.

Isotropic averaging of the differential oscillator strength is handled in an analogous manner as :ref:`EXCITATION_ENERGIES_.BED`, with the main difference being that in the current case, only two angles are required. The redundancy of the angle :math:`\chi` is a manifestation of axial symmetry. The rotational average can be written as 

.. math::

   \left\langle \Delta f_{n\leftarrow 0}\right\rangle _{\theta,\phi} = -i\frac{2m_e\omega}{\hbar e^2}\left\langle n|\mathbf{e}_{k}\cdot\left(\mathbf{T}\times\mathbf{T}^{\ast}\right)\right\rangle _{\theta,\phi}.

For a full account see :cite:`vanHorn2021probing`.

.. index:: .ANGPLOT


Print the anisotropic differential oscillator strength (see. :ref:`EXCITATION_ENERGIES_.BEDECD`) for every point on the Lebedev grid. These points can be used to plot the differential oscillator strength as a function of the incident angle of the radiation. A full account is given in :cite:`vanHorn2021probing`.

.. index:: .ORIENT


Specify fixed experimental configuration (no rotational average). The orientation of the wave and polarization vector is given by specification of the angles :math:`\theta`, :math:`\phi` and :math:`\chi`, see the :ref:`EXCITATION_ENERGIES_.BED` keyword for more details. For instance, to specify that the wave vector is along the :math:`z` -axis  and the polarization vector along the :math:`x` - axis, we set


    0.0 0.0 0.0

.. index:: .NROTAV


As described under the .BED keyword,  `Lebedev quadrature <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebedev_quadrature>`_ is employed for rotational average. This quadrature over the solid angles can integrate a spherical harmonic to high accuracy with a maximum angular momentum :math:`L_\mbox{max}`. The default value of :math:`L_\mbox{max}` is presently 5, but can be reset with this keyword.

.. index:: .BEDCON


Specification of contributions of the full light-matter interaction of order :math:`n` in the
wave vector

.. math::


.. index:: .NOLENR


Deactivate length representation.

.. index:: .NOVELR


Deactivate velocity representation.

Control variational parameters

.. index:: .OCCUP


For each fermion ircop give an :ref:`orbital_strings` of inactive orbitals from
which excitations are allowed. By default excitations from all occupied
orbitals are included in the generalized eigenvalue problem.

Example: ::


This would include excitations from gerade orbitals 1,2,3, and ungerade
orbitals 7 and 8.

.. index:: .VIRTUA


For each fermion ircop give an :ref:`orbital_strings`
of virtual orbitals
to which excitations are allowed. By default excitations to all virtal
orbitals are included in the generalized eigenvalue problem.

.. index:: .SKIPEE


Exclude all rotations between occupied positive-energy and virtual
positive-energy orbitals.

.. index:: .SKIPEP


Exclude all rotations between occupied positive-energy and virtual
negative-energy orbitals.

Control reduced equations

.. index:: .MAXITR


Maximum number of iterations.

*Default:* ::


.. index:: .MAXRED


Maximum dimension of matrix in reduced system.

*Default:* ::


.. index:: .THRESH


Threshold for convergence of reduced system.

*Default:* ::


Control integral contributions

The user is encouraged to experiment with these options since they may
have an important effect on run time.

.. index:: .INTFLG


Specify what two-electron integrals to include
(default: :ref:`HAMILTONIAN_.INTFLG` under :ref:`**HAMILTONIAN`).

.. index:: .CNVINT


Set threshold for convergence before adding SL and SS integrals to

*2 (real) Arguments:* ::

     CNVXQR(1) CNVXQR(2)

*Default:* Very large numbers.

.. index:: .ITRINT


Set the number of iterations before adding SL and SS integrals to

*Default:* ::

     1 1

Advanced/debug flags

.. index:: .E2CHEK


Generate a complete set of trial vector which implicitly allows the
explicit construction of the electronic Hessian. Only to be used for
small systems !

.. index:: .ONLYSF


Only call FMOLI in sigmavector routine: only generate one-index
transformed Fock matrix  :cite:`Saue2003`.

.. index:: .ONLYSG


Only call FMOLI in sigmavector routine: 2-electron Fock matrices using
one-index transformed densities :cite:`Saue2003`.

.. index:: .GNOISE


To test the robustness of property gradients to numerical noise artificial noise is added to
the MO-coefficients. More precisely, the user activates noise and provides a "noise level".
Then, for each element of the coefficient array, a pseudo-random number in the interval (-1,+1]
is selected, multiplied with the "noise level" and added to the element.

*Example:* ::
