:orphan: .. index:: *LOCALIZATION .. _*LOCALIZATION: ============== \*LOCALIZATION ============== Performs localization of molecular orbitals localization using the Pipek-Mezey criterion :cite:`Pipek:Mezey`. Since localized orbitals in general do not span single irreps, this module only works with :math:`C_1` symmetry. The implementation uses an exponential parametrization combined with second-order minimization using the Newton trust-region method (see Sections 10.8 and 12.3 of :cite:`Helgaker:book` for general principles. In short, we have some function :math:`T(\mathbf{\kappa})` that we seek to minimize with respect to variational parameters :math:`\mathbf{\kappa}`, where :math:`T^{[0]}=T(\mathbf{0})` is our current expansion point. In iteration :math:`n` we consider a second-order expansion of the target function .. math:: Q_n(\mathbf{\kappa}_n) = T_n^{[0]} + \mathbf{T}_n^{[1]T}\mathbf{\kappa}_n + \frac{1}{2}\mathbf{\kappa}_n^T T_n^{[2]}\mathbf{\kappa}_n To the extent this expansion is valid, the (Newton) step to be taken is given by the linear equation .. math:: T_n^{[2]}\mathbf{\kappa}_n=-\mathbf{T}_n^{[1]} We assume the second-order expansion to be valid within a trust radius :math:`h`. If the proposed Newton step goes outside this radius, we will instead take a step onto the border of our trust region in an optimal direction. To find it, we set up a Lagrangian .. math:: L(\mathbf{\kappa},\mu)=Q(\mathbf{\kappa}) -\frac{1}{2}\mu\left(\Vert\mathbf{\kappa}\Vert^2-h^2\right) where minimization in iteration $n$ now gives .. math:: \left(T_n^{[2]}-\lambda_n I\right)\mathbf{\kappa}_n=-\mathbf{T}_n^{[1]} An important quantity in the algorithm is the ration between the observed and predicted changes in the target function .. math:: r = \frac{T_{n+1}^{[0]}-T_{n}^{[0]}}{Q_{n}-T_{n}^{[0]}} = \frac{\mbox{DIFFG}}{\mbox{DIFFQ}} In :cite:`Helgaker:book` the following scheme for the update of the trust radius is proposed (we quote): 1. If :math:`r>0.75` , increase the trust radius :math:`h_{n+1}=1.2h_{n}`. 2. If :math:`0.25 < r <0.75`, do not change the trust radius :math:`h_{n+1}=h_{n}`. 3. If :math:`r <0.25` , reduce the trust radius :math:`h_{n+1}=0.7h_{n}`. 4. If :math:`r<0` , reject the step :math:`\mathbf{\kappa}_n` and generate a new step of trust radius :math:`h_n\rightarrow 0.7h_n`. .. index:: .PRJLOC .. _LOCALIZATION_.PRJLOC: .PRJLOC ------- Localization from projection analysis instead of Mulliken analysis. [Default: False]:: .PRJLOC .. index:: .OWNBAS .. _LOCALIZATION_.OWNBAS: .OWNBAS ------- Calculate fragments in their own basis. For now it is the only option which can be used with projection analysis option (.PRJLOC) [Default: False]:: .OWNBAS .. index:: .C1READ .. _LOCALIZATION_.C1READ: .C1READ ------- Read C1 coefficients for fragments. .. index:: .VECREF .. _LOCALIZATION_.VECREF: .VECREF ------- First give number of fragments to project onto. Then for each fragment give filename of MO coefficients and string specifying which orbitals will be used in the projection (:ref:`orbital_strings`):: .VECREF 3 DFO1AT 1..6 DFH1AT 1 DFH2AT 1 .. index:: .HESLOC .. _LOCALIZATION_.HESLOC: .HESLOC ------- Define model of the Hessian [Default: FULL]. Use full Hessian:: .HESLOC FULL Use diagonal approximation of the Hessian. If using this approximation, there is danger of converging to the stationary point instead of minima:: .HESLOC DIAG First the diagonal approximation of the Hessian will be used and after reaching convergence criterion the localization will switch to the construction of the full Hessian:: .HESLOC COMB .. index:: .CHECK .. _LOCALIZATION_.CHECK: .CHECK ------ This keyword can be used only in combination with .HESLOC = COMB. The full Hessian will be calculated only at the last iteration. This way one can check if the procedure converged to the minimum. .. index:: .THFULL .. _LOCALIZATION_.THFULL: .THFULL ------- Convergence threshold for the localization process. It applies on the functional value of the localization criteria when full Hessian is calculated. It is used in .HESLOC = FULL scheme and in the second part of the .HESLOC = COMB scheme. When not specified gradient criterion or criterion of the number of negative eigenvalues equals zero will be used:: .THFULL 1.0D-13 .. index:: .THGRAD .. _LOCALIZATION_.THGRAD: .THGRAD ------- Convergence threshold for the localization process. It applies on the gradient of the localization functional. It is used in .HESLOC = FULL or DIAG scheme and in the second part of the .HESLOC = COMB scheme. When not specified the functional value criterion or criterion of the number of negative eigenvalues equals zero will be used:: .THGRAD 1.0D-17 .. index:: .THDIAG .. _LOCALIZATION_.THDIAG: .THDIAG ------- Convergence threshold for the localization process. It applies on the functional value of the localization criteria when diagonal Hessian is calculated. It can be used with the .HESLOC = DIAG keyword. If .HESLOC = COMB it is used to switch from the first to the second stage of the convergence process:: .THDIAG 1.0D-05 .. index:: .SELECT .. _LOCALIZATION_.SELECT: .SELECT ------- Select subset of MOs for localization (use :ref:`orbital_strings` syntax). Currently only Pipek-Mezey localization is implemented, therefore localize only occupied orbitals. Localization of virtual orbitals is not recommended. :: .SELECT 1..5 .. index:: .MAXITR .. _LOCALIZATION_.MAXITR: .MAXITR ------- Maximum number of iterations. Default:: .MAXITR 100 .. index:: .PRINT .. _LOCALIZATION_.PRINT: .PRINT ------ Set print level. Default:: .PRINT 1