:orphan: .. index:: **GRID .. _**GRID: ======== \*\*GRID ======== The numerical integration scheme uses the Becke partitioning :cite:`Becke1988a` of the molecular volume into atomic ones, for which the quadrature is performed in spherical coordinates. Radial integration is carried out using the scheme proposed by Lindh *et al.* :cite:`Lindh2001`, while the angular integration is handled by a set of highly accurate Lebedev grids. Note that the Becke partitioning scheme generally uses Slater-Bragg radii for atomic size adjustments. For the heavier elements, with their more variable oxidation states, this can lead to errors. If the user invokes the :ref:`GRID_.ATSIZE` keyword, DIRAC tries to deduce relative atomic sizes from available densities, if it can find coefficients. The **radial integration** employs an exponential grid .. math:: r_k=e^{kh};\quad w_k = r_k;\quad S=\sym_{k=-\infty}^{\infty}=w_kf\left(r_k\right) and is specified in terms of step size :math:`h`, the inner point :math:`r_1` and the outermost point :math:`r_k_H`, chosen to provide the required relative precision :math:`R` (equal to the discretization error :math:`R_D`. .. index:: .RADINT .. _GRID_.RADINT: .RADINT ------- Specify the maximum error in the radial integration. *Default:* :: .RADINT 1.0D-13 .. index:: .ANGINT .. _GRID_.ANGINT: .ANGINT ------- Specify the precision of the Lebedev angular grid. The angular integration of spherical harmonics will be exact to the L-value given by the user. By default the grid will be pruned. The highest implemented value is 64. *Default:* :: .ANGINT 41 .. index:: .NOPRUN .. _GRID_.NOPRUN: .NOPRUN ------- Turn off the pruning of the angular grid. .. index:: .ANGMIN .. _GRID_.ANGMIN: .ANGMIN ------- Specify the minimum precision of the Lebedev angular grid after pruning. :: .ANGMIN LEBMIN Close to the nucleus, the precision of the angular grid will be less than L-value given by :ref:`GRID_.ANGINT`, but it will not be less than the integer LEBMIN. Note that giving a LEBMIN value greater than or equal to the L-value given by :ref:`GRID_.ANGINT` is equivalent to turning the pruning off. *Default:* :: .ANGMIN 15 .. index:: .ATSIZE .. _GRID_.ATSIZE: .ATSIZE ------- Generate new estimates for atomic size ratios for use in the Becke partitioning scheme. Relative sizes for a pair of atoms A and B are calculated from their contribution to the large component density along the line connecting A and B. .. index:: .IMPORT .. _GRID_.IMPORT: .IMPORT ------- :: .IMPORT numerical_grid Import previously exported numerical grid. For debugging you can also create your own grid file. The grid file is formatted - in free format. A grid file for three points could look like this: :: 3 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.01 0.2 0.4 0.9 9.9 9.9 9.0 0.8 -1 The first integer is the number of points, then come the x-, y-, and z-coordinate, and the weight for each point. The last line is a negative integer. Works also in parallel. You can export the DIRAC grid simply by copying back the file "numerical\_grid" from the scratch directory. .. index:: .NOZIP .. _GRID_.NOZIP: .NOZIP ------ DIRAC will try to remove redundant grid points when symmetry is present. Each reflection plane reduces the number of grid points by a factor of two. With this keyword you can turn this default symmetry grid compression off. .. index:: .4CGRID .. _GRID_.4CGRID: .4CGRID ------- Include the small component basis in the generation of the DFT grid even if you run a 1- or 2-component calculation. This can be useful if you want to compare to a 4-component calculation using the identical integration grid. By default the small component is ignored in the grid generation when running 1- or 2-component DFT calculations. .. index:: .DEBUG .. _GRID_.DEBUG: .DEBUG ------ Very poor grid - corresponds to :: .RADINT 1.0D-3 .ANGINT 10 .. index:: .COARSE .. _GRID_.COARSE: .COARSE ------- Coarse grid - corresponds to :: .RADINT 1.0D-11 .ANGINT 35 .. index:: .ULTRAFINE .. _GRID_.ULTRAFINE: .ULTRAFINE ---------- A better grid than default - corresponds to :: .RADINT 2.0D-15 .ANGINT 64 .. index:: .INTCHK .. _GRID_.INTCHK: .INTCHK ------- Test the performance of the grid by computing the overlap matrix numerically and analyzing the errors. In addition, the error matrix can be printed. *Default (no test):* :: .INTCHK 0 *Error analysis:* :: .INTCHK 1 *Print error matrix:* :: .INTCHK 2