How this documentation works and how you can contribute

This documentation is generated using sphinx which translates RST (reStructured Text) markup to html and latex. Sphinx and RST are extremely widely used in the python community. The nice thing about RST markup that it looks nice by itself in the terminal. RST and Sphinx are very simple and intuitive and for first steps consult the reStructuredText Primer and the Sphinx Markup Constructs. Typically RST markups is auto-colored in the terminal so you can see when the markup is correct or wrong.

Generation of html pages

The central documentation web pages are generated automatically from the RST files every hour. But you can also generate the web pages yourself. For this install the packages “python-sphinx” and “python-matplotlib”, then:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make html

Now point your browser to build/html/index.html

How to add new sections and text

Modify existing RST files or add new ones and reference them in index.rst.