Release preparation

Feature freeze

Two months before the release (example: DIRAC12), a release branch (example: release-12) is created from master. This is a feature freeze and from this moment on the release branch only receives cosmetics and bugfixes, no new features, no merges from master or other branches (except cherry-picks; more about it later). You as developer are responsible to commit or merge the to-be-released code to master, before the release branch is created. If your code is part of a pamadm module and you want to release it, make sure that it is part of pamadm –release. If you do not want to release your pamadm module, make sure it is not part of pamadm –release.

Can I commit bleeding edge code to master after the feature freeze?

Yes you can! Exactly for this reason we have the release branch and exactly for this reason we will never merge from master to the release branch, only from the release branch to master.

How to check out the release branch (example release-12 for DIRAC12)

Check out the release branch:

$ git checkout release-12

Now you have it next to master, try it out:

$ git branch

You can switch back to master:

$ git checkout master

And then switch back to the release branch:

$ git checkout release-12

How to commit changes and bugfixes that affect the soon-to-be-released code

Commit all such changes to the release branch, not to master. This way also no commit or bugfix will get lost. Please do not transfer commits from the release branch to master manually. This is not only unnecessary work but it is harmful (conflicts)! Again, do not commit to master, commit to the release branch:

$ git checkout release-12
$ git pull                      # update the local release-12 branch
$ git commit                    # commit your modifications
$ git checkout master           # switch immediately to the master branch
$ git merge --no-ff release-12  # merge changes to master, fix conflicts if any
$ git push                      # pushes changes both to master and to branch (newer versions of git)

With older versions of git you have to push changes separately to the release and to master branch, respectivelly:

$ git checkout release-12
$ git pull                      # update the local release-12 branch
$ git commit                    # commit your modifications
$ git push                      # push your changes to release-12 branch
$ git checkout master           # switch immediately to the master branch
$ git merge --no-ff release-12  # merge changes to master, fix conflicts if any
$ git push                      # stamp your changes to master

If you have no time, you don’t have to merge to master yourself, you can wait until somebody else does it for his/her commits. No commit can get lost.

Note that by merging your changes to master you might get conflicts. Git points them out clearly. In such cases open conflicting file(s) and fix discrepancies inside manually. They are marked with “<<<<<<” and “>>>>>>” strings.

O.K. what if you accidentally committed something to master which belongs to the release? In this case do not merge master to the release branch, but rather cherry-pick the individual commit(s) to the release branch:

$ git checkout release-12
$ git cherry-pick [hash]        # with [hash] that corresponds
                                # to the commit

How to exclude code from being released

You as the developer of the are responsible for removing your code from the release branch that you do not wish to be released. This is not done by actually removing the code but by using pamadm in combination with CPP statements. So again, do not actually delete code lines, use CPP statements as demonstrated below:

Modules can be excluded from the release version by surrounding the appropriate parts of code by preprocessor statements, e.g.:

#ifdef MOD_KRMC
         CALL SETDC2(0)
            CALL QUIT(
     &  'Second order KMCSCF optimization not included in this version')

This means that the calls are included only if MOD_KRMC is defined. Look in pamadm for existing modules and how they define their CPP flags and directories. If your module is not part of pamadm –release, then the code will be automatically removed by the release script. In the above example, the script would remove the actual MOD_KRMC code and what would be left is:

       CALL QUIT(
&  'Second order KMCSCF optimization not included in this version')

If you want to protect code from being released which is not part of any pamadm module, you can use MOD_UNRELEASED:

!      secret code

To summarize, you can remove code using either existing CPP filters or using MOD_UNRELEASED. Do this on the release branch and merge to master:

$ git checkout release-12
$ git pull                      # update the local release-12 branch
$ git commit                    # commit your modifications
$ git push                      # push changes to release-12
$ git checkout master
$ git pull                      # update your local master branch
$ git merge --no-ff release-12  # merge changes to master
$ git push                      # push changes to master

How to “remove” tests?

Look in pamadm and search for “unreleased”. All the tests listed there will be removed by the release preparation script. All tests listed under modules which are not part of:

./pamadm --release

are removed as well.

How to release or export the code

Most important rule: treat unpublished code of others with respect. Do not release code of others without asking.

  1. Verify copyright headers.
  2. Verify logo (list of authors).
  3. Bump the version.

As a final step create the tarball:

$ ./pamadm --release
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make release