Nightly testing dashboard

It is very easy to contribute to the DIRAC Dashboard. You don’t need to install anything extra except CMake. It is as easy as typing:

$ ./setup [--flags] -D BUILDNAME="my-build-name"
$ cd build
$ make Experimental

The result of make Experimental appears automatically on the DIRAC Dashboard.

Once make Experimental works you can create a script to run make Nightly. To get inspired have a look at the cdash example recipes in the repository under maintenance/cdash. Then put it under crontab. Here is an example:

# m  h  dom mon dow command

  05 00 *   *   *   /home/bast/nightly/smokey_fc17_gfortran-4.7.2
  00 02 *   *   *   killall -9 dirac.x
  05 02 *   *   *   /home/bast/nightly/smokey_fc17_gfortran-4.7.2_i8
  00 04 *   *   *   killall -9 dirac.x
  05 04 *   *   *   /home/bast/nightly/smokey_fc17_gfortran-4.7.2_mpi
  00 06 *   *   *   killall -9 dirac.x