:orphan: .. _DIRRCI: ========================== DIRRCI -- Direct CI module ========================== *Relativistic RASCI module* written by Lucas Visscher This section allows for Kramers unrestricted relativistic Configuration Interaction calculations, Ref. :cite:`MOLFDIR`. Note that when the namelist :ref:`goscip` is also present in the input, **GOSCIP** will be called instead of **DIRRCI** ! The input should be given in namelist form. &CIROOT -- Select the state to converge on ========================================== IREPNA ------ Abelian symmetry group of the desired state(s). *Default: First abelian symmetry in the list* NROOTS ------ Number of states to optimize on. *Default:* :: NROOTS=1 **Advanced options** ISTART ------ Start vector method. COSCI start vectors: :: ISTART=1 Determinant with lowest eigenvalue: :: ISTART=2 First (reference) determinant: :: ISTART=3 If the COSCI start vectors are not available, then the default will be 2. NSEL(NROOTS) ------------ Rank number of states to be optimized. *Default:* :: NSEL=1,2,3,... SELECT ------ Select wave functions on basis of largest overlap with the start wave function. *Default:* :: SELECT=F &DIRECT -- Convergence control ============================== CONVERE ------- Convergence threshold for energy. *Default:* :: CONVERR=1.0D-9 MAXITER ------- Maximum number of direct CI iterations. *Default:* :: MAXITER=10 **Advanced options** CONVERR ------- Convergence threshold for residual vector. *Default:* :: CONVERR=1.0D-10 RESTART ------- Restart on CI-vectors present in MRCFINV. *Default:* :: RESTART=F CPUMAX ------ Maximum amount of CPU-seconds to be used. *Default:* :: CPUMAX=604800 &LEADDET -- Analyze the CI wave function ======================================== **Advanced options** GETDET ------ Get the list of dominant determinants. *Default:* :: GETDET=T COMIN ----- Print contributions of determinants only if the square of the coefficients is larger than COMIN. *Default:* :: COMIN=0.1 &OPTIM -- Fine tuning of the algorithm ====================================== **Programmers options** IGENEX ------ Write coupling coefficients to file (default): :: IGENEX=2 Calculate coupling coefficients when needed: :: IGENEX=1 &RASORB -- Specify the type of CI and the active space ====================================================== NELEC ----- Number of electrons (excluding frozen core electrons). *Default:* :: NELEC=0 NRAS1 ----- Number of spinors in the RAS1 space for each abelian irrep. *Default:* :: NRAS1=NSYMRP*0 NRAS2 ----- Number of spinors in the RAS2 space for each abelian irrep. *Default:* :: NRAS2=NSYMRP*0 MAXH1 ----- Maximum number of holes in RAS1 spinors. *Default:* :: MAXH1=0 MAXE3 ----- Maximum number of electrons in RAS3 spinors. *Default:* :: MAXE3=0 &CIFOPR -- Specify different options in CI Property Module ========================================================== PROPER ------ Activate the property module to evaluate expectation values of :ref:`one_electron_operators` defined inside **PRPTRA** under **MOLTRA**, over the DIRRCI wavefunction :cite:`Nayak2006`, :cite:`Nayak2007`, :cite:`Nayak2009`. *Default:* :: PROPER=F NEOPER ------ Define the number of property operators one needs to calculate expectation values. *Default:* :: NEOPER=0 NAMEE ----- Mention the names of :ref:`one_electron_operators` as defined inside **PRPTRA**. For example, Electric dipole moment and magnetic hyperfine structure constants can be defined as follows. Of coures, the given names are users own choice. :: NAMEE='Z-DIP','X1-HYP','Y1-HYP','Z1-HYP'